Thursday, November 26, 2009

God, "I" and Universe

"I" feel through my brain feeling cells stimulation, but am "I" "my" brain?!

"Even "my" brain (and my body) is perceived by "me", it is a fishy loop except the possibility that "I" am not neither "my" brain "nor "my" body, "I" can feel "my" body, then "I" must be distict from "my" body.
If you think "I" were merely some complicated system of atoms, NO, this is "my" body, but not "me".
"I" feel information that "I" preceive as "visual info", audio info", "smell info" ..... , but at the end, "I" perceived information stream which is the universe for "me", but who is information stream author and streamer?. Definitly, it is not "me" , "I" feel things "I" don't know.
Some entity must be the author of information stream "I" feel who authored the information and stream it!! Is he God?
"I" die when "my" body can't comunicate with usual information you feel (if you still alive), but "I" am still feel another type of information stream ---------
Finally, It seems neither "me" nor God is a part of universe (information stream).
Existence equation:
Existence= "me" + universe (information stream, including my body) + God (autheor and streamer of information stream (universe)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Question to, and ,favor from, Atheists!!

Since you see there is no design or intelligence [consequently, a designer (GOD)] put in our universe, I have a request and a question:
1-The request: Would you please ask a group of most brilliant atheist scientists in world to design a really elegant universe that bears "true design" and "high intelligence", just do that on theoretical basis, or do a simulation for it to see how the smart universe work, not the dumb one we live in!!
If they succeeded we can use the energy in this universe in designing another smart universe instead of our dumb one!!!
2- I wonder, why our scientists failed till now to completely understand how this stupid not-designed dumb universe works?!! Till now through about 350 years from the modern scientific revolution, and 100 years from special relativity and photo-electric effect experiment, can't our brilliant scientists know in details how this dummy stupid existence, that is not designed at all, work?
Have you ever asked yourself this question before?

Friday, November 13, 2009

God, true science, Universe and true religion

True science doesn't contradict true religion, in contrary, they integrate.

As you know Universe more (science), you know more how greatness is his governor (helps you being more religious to thank God for making you an element of his Universe, moreover, research more in Universe to be more religious).
As you know God more (religion), you know more how greatness is his universe (helps you being more scientific to discover and use this wonderful Universe, moreover, understand more religion to be more scientific).

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The design of the universe

George Fitzgerald Smoot III (born February 20, 1945) is an American astrophysicist, cosmologist and Nobel Prize in Physics laureate, and a $1 million TV quiz show prize winner. He won the Nobel Prize in 2006 for his work on COBE with John C. Mather that led to the measurement "...of the black body form and anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation."

This work helped further the big-bang theory of the universe using the Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite (COBE). According to the Nobel Prize committee, "the COBE-project can also be regarded as the starting point for cosmology as a precision science."[2] Smoot donated his share of the Nobel Prize money, less travel costs, to a charitable foundation. [3]

He is a professor of physics at the University of California, Berkeley. In 2003 he was awarded the Einstein Medal.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Elements of existence!!

I consider existence is information not anything else, if i assumed that i have brain as they told me, you can make me feel any thing you want by stimulating my brain cells in a proper way. ........
.......For me Existence has 3 entities
1-I (what ever its meaning), I who perceive what it think it is "in" physically !!
2-Stream of information that "I" feel ...... you call it universe!!
3-Some entity who is the source of information and who makes it streaming projection on "I" ......
I call this entity GOD.

I am sure that not me who put this streaming information in front of "I" (I have no idea about information that will come next picoseconds and sure that no information is self circulation!! so it must have a source .......

Friday, November 6, 2009

Universe & Google !!!

When you look around and see every think is in harmony and persistence with time and it is apparent by some little thinking that all universe appears to be governed!! I see any normal healthy brain should ask, who is governing that huge system? and who is managing it?

It would be extremely ridiculous if I entered Google company and said ,(mmmm it seems that Google has no owner nor manager)?!! Then one employee at Google documented how this huge company is going in an amazing way, and wrote a huge document that describes this impressive discipline that all things are governed with in the company.

The employee knows very well that he just do a documentation, suddenly, a foolish employee came to him and said, oh you are brilliant, I now understood why we don't see the CEO and manager of the company ,mmmm because your document is the CEO and manager, your brilliant document is a genius, so there is no manager nor CEO, yaaaaaah, we had known "the reason" of everything happening in Google and Google is self managed by laws in those papers, so why stick to an "old fashion" idea that most low IQ employees are adopting that there are a manager?! why we believe in his existence and we haven't seen him?
NO NO we are the scientists, we know now the "reason" of every thing, and those "low score" employees are definitely in that miserable state because they think there is a real manager !!!

So let them believe that they will be awarded after the next Tornado that is expected to hit the company and destroys it.
They are so low IQ ,,,, they believe that if they did well in work not only they will take good salary, but also they will get a reward from their claimed "unseen" manager they are !!

Are you an atheist? If yes, then:
You convinced your self that the documentations that described how universe is governed in past, this documentation (laws of physics) are now promoted to a new position (Governerof universe behaviour) after you IGNORED the real governor just because you don't smell him!!!
"laws are description of behavior, but it is NOT "the reason" of the behavior it describes".

Monday, November 2, 2009

Falsification test is not valid for so clear entities:(Too clear to need proof!!)

Examples that are definitely exit but not falsifiable!!
1-Statements of mathematical axioms.
2-Universe (as a whole) existence.
3-Oneself existence relative to himself.
4-You are awake, not asleep and in dream.

So When some one tells me that God is not falsifiable, I can simply tell him I am feeling GOD directly by my soul, it is like your eyes when see the sun!!.

Moreover, for whom is not convinced of anti-generalization of falsification, God left a documentation with prophet Muhammad, named Qur'an) that prove by its NOT MAN-LIKE way of writing through challenging all world to come with just one chapter (even the shortest) like this book chapters, in its way of writing that have not common factor with the intelligent creatures way of writing, let alone, its miraculous fitting with every place and time through 1400 years and its stated events before it happens and the time proves the truth of the Qur'an. This book has been signed by GOD, if any one else has wrote it, why hasn't object? If it is Muhammad who wrote it, why he hasen't claimed that he is a God (like what Christians believe in Jesus!!). So Qur'an itself is falifiable but God is not.

Does God Exist?

Bertrand Russell, although an atheist, in his book,“Why I am not a Christian”, has admitted this fact. He says that the argument centering on design, propounded by theologians to prove the existence of God, is scientifically valid Since ancient days, theologians have argued that when there is a design there must also be a designer. As we see that our world is well designed, it compels us to believe that there is a designer
Reference: Does God Exist?
By:Wahiduddin Khan

Strong anthropic principle is really good argument for creation

Strong anthropic principle is really good argument for creation, moreover its refuting trials are not that good.

According to Sir: Martin Rees, there are 6 quantities that are tuned in our universe to adapt life. Epsilon, N, Omega, Lambda, Q and D.
He invented a smart idea to refute creation though these six parameters are tuned for life. He suggested that there are infinite universes that have different combination of these parameters, but it is natural that the only detectable universe is ours because the rest has no life to detect!!
The problem here is that atheists see that detectability and falsifiability is the basis of existence evidence, and they omitted God existence based on them. So what about Sir.Rees? Why does not he apply the two principle on his infinite universes, so he is in contradiction, to avoid God existence he had to assume existence of infinite non detectable unfalsifiable entities!!