Sunday, October 18, 2009

"God of gaps" is very big myth

"God of gaps" is very big myth for both science and religion.
Let us consider just event A , like falling apple from a tree, when Newton has discovered the mathematical relation between M (earth mass), r (distance from center of earth) and G (gravitational constant) and the rate of change of falling apple momentum. The Question now.. Does Newton provide any explanation of what happened? If you asked him he would say, it Earth attracted the apple but I don't have an idea about "why" it attracted the apple!!
Let us look from another side, if one religious man has the myth of "God of gaps", he would say, God has pulled the apple toward the earth, so I don't need science to tell me the reason of apple fall!!
That's right, but, what would you gain if you know just that God is the reason of every event happens according to his will??!! You have no idea about the description of the action of God in quantitative manner.
So religion give the answer "why" the apple falls down not up, the answer is that this is God's design, but God himself orders people ,in Islam for instance, to explore world to know "how" universe runs based on his willing "why".
This big myth either at the religious side or scientific side came from misunderstanding the difference between the behavior description (science rule) and the behavior reason (religion rule).
Conclusively, physics laws is just math documentation of "great will" does whatever it wants in the universe but does it in constant manner to stabilize universe and ease our use for it.

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