Monday, November 2, 2009

Falsification test is not valid for so clear entities:(Too clear to need proof!!)

Examples that are definitely exit but not falsifiable!!
1-Statements of mathematical axioms.
2-Universe (as a whole) existence.
3-Oneself existence relative to himself.
4-You are awake, not asleep and in dream.

So When some one tells me that God is not falsifiable, I can simply tell him I am feeling GOD directly by my soul, it is like your eyes when see the sun!!.

Moreover, for whom is not convinced of anti-generalization of falsification, God left a documentation with prophet Muhammad, named Qur'an) that prove by its NOT MAN-LIKE way of writing through challenging all world to come with just one chapter (even the shortest) like this book chapters, in its way of writing that have not common factor with the intelligent creatures way of writing, let alone, its miraculous fitting with every place and time through 1400 years and its stated events before it happens and the time proves the truth of the Qur'an. This book has been signed by GOD, if any one else has wrote it, why hasn't object? If it is Muhammad who wrote it, why he hasen't claimed that he is a God (like what Christians believe in Jesus!!). So Qur'an itself is falifiable but God is not.

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